Feminism / Films

Before Premiere of ‘The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo’ Remake, Revisit the Original Film & Lisbeth Salander’s Badassery

If you’ve read my film reviews, you might know by obsession with Lisbeth Salander. Having read all the books and seen the original Swedish films, I adore the strong female protagonist. An introverted and brilliant researcher and hacker, she aids journalist Mikael Blomkvist in trying to solve a 40-year murder mystery in The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. The gritty, tense plot fuses with social commentary on violence against women, sexuality and gender roles.

In an award-winning performance, Noomi Rapace, the original Lisbeth, played her flawlessly. Rooney Mara, who’s playing the role in the hyped American remake, has some ginormous shoes to fill. So before you head off to see David Fincher’s The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, check out my review of the original provocative and haunting film. Here’s an excerpt about what makes Rapace’s portrayal so compelling and Lisbeth such a badass:

“But the sole reason to go see the movie (and read the book too) is for Lisbeth Salander…

“A nuanced performance, Noomi Rapace plays the tattooed warrior with the right blend of sullen introvert, keen intellect and fierce survivor instincts. Salander is a ferocious feminist, crusading for women’s empowerment. Facing a tortured and troubled past, Salander is resourceful and resilient, avenging injustices following her own moral compass. An adept actor, Rapace conveys emotions through her eyes, never needing to utter a word. Yet she can also invoke Salander’s visceral rage when warranted…

“It’s rare for an audience to see a strong, self-sufficient woman on-screen.  It’s even more unusual for a movie to address the stigma of sexual assault as well as the complexity of gender roles…Get acquainted with Lisbeth Salander. She may be the most exhilarating, unconventional and surprising character you will ever encounter.”

Can’t wait to find out what happens next?? For more on The Millennium Trilogy, read my reviews of The Girl Who Played With Fire and The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest.

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